Tax Investigation

Spend the time to discuss with you your accounts, explaining the very important key areas in detail

Explore ways to reduce your tax liability, improve your profit and help you to plan for the future.

Use the accounts to help you measure where you are in meeting your goals and what actions you need to take.

Fixed Fess No hidden charges. Price match guarantee. Meet us at no cost to you. High quality services & tax advise

We bring you the best possible solutions for your company.

Tax compliance check

Do you know that HMRC no longer requires a legitimate reason to launch a tax compliance checks inquiry into your business or even your personal affairs? This means that at any given time, any individual or business can be at risk of a harrowing and often embarrassing tax investigation.

The best way to avoid any kind of tax investigation or tax compliance issues is to seek tax investigation services. Our Chartered Certified Accountants are very well versed in all tax matters, ensuring that your tax return is always accurate and complies with current UK tax legislation. They will also use their in-house software and years of expertise to analyse your completed tax return, allowing them to spot any red flags which might arouse HMRC’s suspicion.

Tax investigations

It’s always good to stay in HMRC’s good books because they can literally check up on you at any time if they feel you have not paid the correct amount of tax. If they determine that there are any discrepancies, you will have just 30 days to address them – but that’s not all as you will also be required to pay a fine and interest on the underpaid taxes.

Tax investigations can be extremely stressful – not just for the daily running of your business but also your well being. There’s no need to be in this position to begin with, as our dedicated Chartered Certified Accountants can save you plenty of tax-related headaches down the line. Work with us from day one as your Chartered Certified Accountants tax advisors, and you will never have to worry about the next time HMRC might come knocking on your door.

Tax Investigation
  • Have all your accounting records and tax returns filing reviewed by our chartered accountants.

  • Identify areas where tax liabilities exist and how to minimize them

  • Prepare additional accounts and any reports required by HMRC

  • Have us deal directly with an HMRC officer on your behalf to review all taxes

  • Ensure all your accounts comply with statutory requirements

  • In-depth compliance reviews of your existing accounting records

  • 24/7 support over email and telephone

In case you are already dealing with tax compliance or issues or an ongoing investigation, our chartered accountants can help to clear the investigation and ensure that you are in the clear.

We Thrive Ourselves On Professionalism & Determination.


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